Bullying Prevention & Fair Notice
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Action Plan
Pine Grove Public School
Providing students with an opportunity to learn and develop in a safe and respectful society is a shared responsibility in which the board and our schools play an important role. Schools with bullying prevention and intervention strategies foster a positive learning and teaching environment that supports academic achievement for all students and that helps students reach their full potential. Bullying prevention and intervention strategies must be modeled by all members of the school community.
from HDSB Bullying Prevention and Intervention Administrative Procedure
Definition of Bullying
Bullying means aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a student where:
a) the behaviour is intended, or the student ought to know that the behaviour would be likely to have that effect of:
causing fear or distress to another individual, including physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to the person’s reputation or property, or;
creating a negative environment at the school for another individual, and;
b) the behaviour occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the pupil and the individual based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group power, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education.
Bullying behaviour includes the use of any physical, verbal, electronic, written or other means. For the purposes of the definition of bullying, bullying by electronic means (commonly known as cyber-bullying), including creating a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted on the internet; communicating material electronically to more than one individual or posting material on a web-site that may be accessed by one or more individuals.
from Accepting Schools Act 2012
Pine Grove Public School
Principal or Vice-Principal
Christine Blakeley, Principal
Tania Griffiths, Student Success, Student Well-Being & Equity and Inclusive Education Lead
Meghan Wilson, Special Education Resource Teacher
Andrea Logan, Health & Physical Education Teacher, Well-Being Lead
Michelle Charles, Grade 6 French Immersion Teacher
Tony Moro, Music Teacher
Non-Teaching Staff
Gillian Whittal, Educational Assistant
Sherry Gallant CYC (Child and Youth Counsellor)
Simone Purboo, School Council Chair
Community Partner
Halton Region Public Health Nurse for Pine Grove
Halton Black Voices
K.C., Grade 8 student and Pine Grove Public School Student Senator
WELL-BEING CONTACT PERSON (must be a staff member)
Meghan Wilson, SERT
Tania Griffith, Student Success, Student Well-Being & Equity and Inclusive Education Advocate
Types of bullying that exist in schools
(as identified through school based data and information)
Four categories of bullying include: Physical (e.g., hitting, kicking, punching, taking belongings), Verbal (e.g., teasing with mean intent, using hurtful names), Social (e.g., excluding other students, talking behind backs to make you look bad, spreading rumours), Cyber/Electronic (e.g., teasing through the use of email, cell phones, text messaging, social media websites)
At Pine Grove…
Verbal bullying - takes place mostly during unstructured times of the school day: lunch, recess, before/after school/on bus, in hallways/washrooms/less frequently monitored areas by school staff
Cyber-bullying/Electronic bullying - students use social media platforms, such as Instagram or SnapChat, to bully other students in the school
Social bullying - students use social power to exclude peers
Physical bullying - students using physical interactions to bully students in school (e.g., during unstructured times and in areas, busing, lockers, changerooms)
School Bullying Prevention SMART Goal
IF we provide a school environment that focuses on inclusion and teamwork/collaboration for all members of the school community to maximize student learning, and students feel a greater connection to nature, then they will improve their feelings of well-being and belonging at school, as measured by the TTFM/Have Your Say survey.
Bullying Prevention and Awareness Strategies/Curricular Connections/Activities
(for the whole school, and for those students at risk of bullying behaviours)
Social activism and community building messages and discussions sparked by literacy/woven throughout the curriculum
PALs groups and activities (cross-grade groupings) (will resume when cohorts can mix again)
Restorative Practices (RP)
Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS)
Community Circles in classrooms
Bravo Bandit/Fun Friday award draws to recognize positive student actions
Pink Shirt Days and Orange Shirt Day
Principal classroom visits
Global Issues Club
GSA Club
Extra-curricular programs
Student leadership opportunities (e.g., Student Well-Being Rep, Student Parliament, coaching Junior Teams)
Second Steps Program with Child and Youth Counsellor
Teachers devote time and genuine effort towards developing positive relationships with their students, and getting to know them as individuals
Gr. 7 and 8 SW Self Referral
Kids Have Stress Too with CYC
Kids Help Phone Counsellor in the Classroom
Guest speakers
Mental health and well-being activities/conversations with Student Success teacher
School Mental Health Ontario
Wellness focus in SIPSA (e.g., increase outdoor learning time)
Bullying Intervention and Support Strategies
(for individuals who cause harm, are impacted by harm and are witness to harm)
Referrals to outside agencies (e.g., ROCK, Nelson Youth Centre)
Restorative Practices (RP)
Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS)
Pine Grove’s “Progressive Discipline Pyramid of Interventions” to support students (both proactive and reactive)
Safe School Social Worker
Individual Education Plans - IEPs (accommodations, modifications, alternative programs)
Parent involvement - two-way communication
Halton Community Liaison Officer
Halton Region Public Health Nurse
Halton Region Public Mental Health Nurse
Halton Women's Place & SAVIS workshops (e.g., healthy friendships, relationships, social media)
Student Success monitoring/support and programs
Pine Grove Public School “Student Technology Use Agreement”
Class discussions re: Discriminatory and Harmful Language Protocol
Pine Grove Dress Code, 2021
Strategies to Promote Appropriate Student Behaviours and Inclusion:
Child and Youth Counsellor (CYC) support
Safe School Social Worker, as warranted
Classroom Community Circles - restoration of relationship, safety, trust
“Report Bullying” button on school website for anonymous online reporting
Investigate the report, act accordingly and follow up frequently with those involved
Parent involvement - two-way communication
Communicate with students, teachers and parents
Bill 157: Keeping Kids Safe at School online incident reporting by staff
Individual Education Plans - IEPs (accommodations, modifications, alternative programs)
School Team - ST and School Resource Team - SRT
Parent involvement - two-way communication
Halton Community Liaison Officer
Student Success monitoring/support and programs
Staff mentoring groups
Pine Grove Public School “Student Technology Use Agreement”
Pine Grove Dress Code, 2021
Conflict Resolution Strategies:
Communicate with students, teachers and parents
Student Success monitoring/support and programs
Staff mentoring groups
Training Resources and Outreach Strategies for Members of the School Staff, Parents and Community
Restorative Practices (RP) refreshers
Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) refreshers
HDSB public website
myHDSB website for staff
Halton Community Liaison Officer support
Halton Region Public Health Nurse
Halton Region Public Mental Health Nurse
HDSB Safe Schools Conference
ASIST suicide training protocol
“Elementary Student Who Are THinking About Suicide” protocol
Behaviour Management System (BMS) retraining
Community agencies (e.g. SafetyNet, Rebecca’s Gifts/CAS, Halton Women’s Place)
Right To Play initiatives
Tell Them From Me (TTFM)/Have Your Say (HYS) surveys
Professional development for staff (e.g., Unlearn)
Indigenous Perspectives, Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination sessions
Bullying Prevention and Awareness Responsibilities for:
Teachers work collaboratively as a team (e.g., SERT, ESL teacher) to proactively support student needs and lagging skills;
Empower students to be positive leaders in their classrooms, school and community;
Encourage and remind students of the importance of and their responsibility to report incidents of bullying, whether at school, outside of school or online;
Keep parents/guardians informed of any bullying incidents;
Facilitate community circles regularly in the classroom to discuss feelings, define bullying/cyberbullying, resolve conflicts and maintain or restore relationships;
Establish and support a positive school culture;
Set clear expectations and maintain a code of conduct;
Support students in developing healthy relationships;
Integrate bullying awareness and prevention into the curriculum (e.g., Big Ideas connected to social justice, Learning Skills, Health Education);
Use the Progressive Discipline Pyramid of Interventions (BOard and School created);
Use resource staff and agencies;
Remain current regarding Ministry and Board policies;
Participate in staff meeting Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination training.
Demonstrate an open mind and respect towards diversity and inclusion
Contribute positively to the school climate through words and actions toward others;
Be an "upstander," taking action by reporting incidents of bullying/supporting victims;
Understand the impacts that technology/social-media can have if used inappropriately;
TELL, TELL, TELL to get someone out of trouble, NOT into trouble;
Follow the HDSB Code of Conduct;
Follow school and Board expectations;
Respect self, others and our environment;
Implement initiatives organized by the Well-Being Team;
Participate in initiatives (e.g., Right to Play, PALs, student leadership opportunities).
Encourage and assist their child(ren) in following the HDSB Code of Conduct;
Regularly review with their child(ren) any correspondence from the school, Board and Ministry pertaining to bullying prevention, and their responsibilities and actions/steps to take to prevent bullying;
Support the school with programs, and discuss what kindness, tolerance and acceptance look like at home, at school and in the community, and model behaviour;
Check in regularly with their child to ensure that they are not targets of bullying/bullies;
Promptly report any bullying issues to the school;
Monitor their child(ren)’s online activity regularly;
Parent member to represent parents on the Well-Being Team;
Volunteer within the school, engage through School Council meetings and initiatives;
Participate in community building events;
Participate in student-led conferences with teachers and students;
Attend School Council sponsored speakers at school and within the HDSB.
Monitoring and Review Process/Timelines
This plan has been shared with staff and parents via: (Underline)
Staff Meeting
School Council Meeting
School Website (required)
Resources/Reference: Safe and Accepting Schools Policy
HDSB Admin Procedure Bullying Prevention and Intervention
HDSB Admin Procedure Positive School Climate
Tell Them From Me/TTFM and Have Your Say/HYS surveys
Safe Schools Social Workers
Halton Region Public Health Nurse
Halton Region Public Mental Health Nurse