Welcome to Grade 2 French Immersion at Pine Grove School
Welcome to Pine Grove Public School and our Grade 2 French Immersion Program! We are so excited and happy that you and your family have chosen this program.
Map to School
School Information
529 Fourth Line, Oakville, ON
L6L 5A8
(905) 844-6371
Principal: Christine Blakeley blakeleyc@hdsb.ca
Senior Administrative Assistant: Goretti Alves
General Secretary: Lauren Gillespie
(responsible for registrations)
Please take a moment to look at the video about French Immersion that the HDSB has put together for parents. This is the same video shown at the Parent Information Nights that were held in November and December 2019.
Please click on any of the documents below for information about helping your child acquire the French language with practice at home.

What to expect the first week....
Granted, we don't know right now exactly what September will look like in our schools. However, we can tell you that from what we have seen during the past two years of the French Immersion 100% program, students can expect:
to engage in a collaborative, engaging atmosphere
to hear French language during class most of the time
to meet many new friends
to learn many new words and phrases in French within a short amount of time and be excited to share their new learning at home
During the first few weeks, your child may come home very tired. This is normal, as for a large portion of the day, their brains are processing information - they are "on" for most of the day. Teachers do their best to help students acclimate to the language, however it is nonetheless very tiring for the brain to be processing all day. Allow them lots of down time during the first few weeks.